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Reflection #5

Learning Objectives | Centre for Teaching Excellence 

Objectives are very important for the fact that it helps the students and other teachers to know what they students should be taking away from your lesson. They also help the teacher set up their lesson plans so that at the end of the lesson the kids will achieve the objective. The ABCD method is very helpful in making sure you have all the parts of the objective there. It really helps you focus in on making sure you have every part. The ABCD method is the really just making sure that you have all the parts you need. In the first picture I have attached it breaks the letters up nicely so that you can see exactly what all the letters stand for. and the second photo shows you an example of an objective with the letters broken up and color coded to show you how they are used.

 Objective Builder: ABCD : CTL Crossroads


  1. I love the visuals you added! I think it is really important to use the ABCD method when creating objectives. Good job!

  2. I love all the pictures and media you added to your blog, really helps add to your post!


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